AR, All Risk, 全險

A/W, All Water, 全海路運輸
AWB, Air Waybill, 空運提單
ACN, Air Consignment Note, 航空托運單
AFN, Air Freight Note, 航空貨運單
ACCT, Account, 帳戶
B/L, Bill Of Lading, 海運提單
BAF, Bunker Adjustment Factor, 燃油附加費
BKC, Bunker Charges, 燃油費
Bill of Exchange, 匯票
CSE/CRT, Case/ Crate, 木箱
CUT, Cut Off Date, Closing Date, 結關日
CIF, Cost, Insurance, Freight, 成本、保險費、運費
C&F (CNF), Cost & Freight, 成本、運費
CBM, Cubic Meter, 立方米,
C/D, Customs Declaration, 報關單
C/N, Container Number, 貨櫃號碼
C/O, Certificate of Origin, 產地證
CTN/CTNS, Carton/Cartons, 紙箱
CTO, Combined Transport Operator, 複合運送人
CFS, Container Freight Station, 集裝箱場費
CHB, Customs House Broker, 報關行
CC, Charges Collect, 運費到付
Certificate of Insurance, 保險單
Cargo, 貨物
Cartage, 搬運
DCF(DOC), Documents Fees, 文件費
D/O, Delivery Order, 提貨單
Delivery Terms 運輸條件
Description, 描述
ETA, Estimated Time of Arrival, 預計到達日
EBS, Emergency Bunker Surcharge, 緊急燃油附加費
ETD, Estimated Time of Delivery, 預計開航日
EXW, Ex-Work, 工廠交貨
EA, Each, 每各
EXP, Export, 出口
FEU, Forty Foot Equivalent Units, 40呎貨櫃
FRT, Freight, 運費
FOB, Free on Board, 船上交貨、離岸價格
FCL, Full Container Load, 整櫃裝載
FSC, Fuel Surcharge, 燃油附加費
GCR, General Cargo Rate, 一般商品運費率
G.W., Gross Weight, 毛重
HAWB, House Air Waybill, 空運分提單
ISPS, International Ship and Port Facility Security, 港口安全設施費
IPF, Inspection Fees, 集裝箱檢查費
INV, Invoice, 發票
IMP, Import, 進口
L/C, Letter of Credit, 信用狀
LCL, Less Than Container Load, 併櫃裝載
LHC, Local Handling Charge, 裝港港口附加費
LLO, Lift On/ Lift Off, 上下車費
MAWB, Master Air Waybill, 空運主提單
MTO, Multimodal Transport Operator, 複合運送人
MLB, Mini-land-bridge Service, 小型陸橋作業
MBS, Micro-bridge Service, 微型陸橋作業
N.W., Net Weight, 淨重
O/B, On Board Date, 裝船日
O/F, Ocean Freight, 海運費
OPC, Overland Common Point, 陸地共同作業地點
PLT, Pallet, 貨板
PI, Proforma Invoice, 形式發票、預開發票、估價發票
PL, Packing List, 裝箱單
PCR, Particular Commodity Rate, 特殊商品運費率
PSC, Port Service Charge, 港口服務費
POD, Port of Destination, 目的港
POL, Port of Loading, 裝運港
PCE/PCS, piece, pieces, 只
Proforma Invoice, 備考發票
Packing List, 裝箱單
Payment Terms, 付款條件
PCT, percent, 百分比
RSC, Restowage Charge, 翻艙費
SCR, Specific Commodity Rate, 特定商品運費率
S/C, Sales Contract, 銷售確認書
S/O, Shipping Order, 訂艙單
Sample no commercial value, 樣品無商業價值
TXL, Telex Release, 電放
T/C, Terminal Charges, 倉租費
TEU, Twenty Foot Equivalent Units, 20呎貨櫃
THC, Terminal Handling Charges, 碼頭操作費
TOC, Terminal Operations Option Charges, 碼頭操作費
TTL, Total, 總計
T/T, Transit Time, 航程
T/T, Telegraphic Transfer, 電匯
Unit Price, 單價
ULD, Unit Load Device, 單位裝載用具
VAT, Value Added Tax, 增值稅
W/C, Warehouse Charges, 倉租費
W/M, Weight or Measurement Ton, 重量噸或尺碼噸中從高計費
W/T, Weight Ton, 重量噸

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